Irminsul Ęttir

The World Tree

A call for submissions

THE WORLD TREE [a newsletter for new heathens] will begin publication with a Summer 1997 issue. It is planned to be at least eight page in length. Its focus is to present the religious ideas of Asatru, and heathenry in general, to those just beginning to study and practice. A major emphais would be on how to apply heathen ethics and practice in our daily lives. It is open to submissions from all who would not feel it objectionable to have their work appear with the following statement:
"Asatru is the name chosen, by most modern heathens who offer blot to the gods and goddess of Northern Europe, to name their faith. These people are known collectively as asatruar. The faith of Asatru is a reconstructed faith which contains elements of the pre-Xian faith of Northern Europe adapted to our current post-industrial society. It is considered reconstructed because it lacks a direct continuity with the old heathen faith.Heathenry were overthrown by Xianity by the 13th century and had to be restored by studying the clues that survived its subjugation (archeo-logy, laws against heathen practices, descriptions left by classical authors, the family sagas of Iceland and from the poetry of that period). In simple terms, Asatru is a family based ritualistic religion built around an exchange of gifts between human beings and the gods/goddesses. And of, accepting and living within a magical world view in which everything is alive and powered by its own might and main. A key elements include: tradition, ethics, personal honor and the remembrence of ancestors. In short, Asatru is a religion of action and interaction rather than belief. Therefore, anyone who offers gifts to the gods & goddess of Northern Europe and receives their blessings are Asatruar. It is an open growing faith well suited for the challenges of the 21st century."

Jim Davis
PO Box 603
Springfield, MO 65801-0603

Irminsul Ęttir