The wagon began to roll forward, and the invitation to gather was called out three times.
Hail to the day, hail to the sons of day, Hail to the night, and its daughter! Gaze upon us gently, grant us success and your blessings on our undertakings. Hail to the Aesir, Hail to the Asyniur! Hail to the all giving earth! Wisdom and lore, as long as we live, grant us, and healing hands.
Come those who would come, Stay those who would stay, Fare those who would fare, harmless to me and mine.
"The Northmen tell of nine worlds, and the world of men is Midgard. Above Midgard lies the city of the gods, Asgard it is called, There lives Odin, of the one eye, Wise he is..."