Friendship is an important theme throughout the Hávamál, where it is presented as being essential to life, and of more importance then wealth. Practical, time proven advice is found there about gaining and keeping friends. Caution is advised in dealing with men where there is danger of being betrayed. There are frank observations made about the necessity of determining rightly who is a friend and who isn’t. “The unwise man weens that all that laugh with him, like him, too; but then he finds when to the Thing he comes, few spokesmen to speed his cause.”
44 Veiztu ef ţú vin átt If friend thou hast, ţanns ţú vel trúir whom faithful thou deemest, ok vill ţú af honum gótt geta and wishest to win him for thee: geđi skalt viđ ţann open thy heart to him, blanda ok gjöfum skipta nor withhold thy gifts, fara at finna opt and fare to find him often. Hávamál