Our intention is to present as broad a picture of Ásatrú as possible, as a
religion and a community of diverse viewpoints and interests. Inclusion here
does not necessarily imply a recommendation for any particular view,
organization, or individual. Please be aware that Ásatrú is represented in
Role-Playing Games such as "MAGE: The Ascension" but they have no bearing on
the reality of the religion or actual practice of Ásatrú.
Some Odinists consider themselves to be Ásatrú, while others do not, nor are
all Ásatrúar Odinists. Ásatrú is a polytheistic religion and the gods and/or
goddesses that one chooses to worship or dedicate to among the Elder gods is
a matter of individual choice and conscience. Odinism is included in the
presentation of Ásatrú although not considered to be exactly the same thing.
Heathen is another term that you will come across and refers to religious
groups which are based on Northern European pre-Christian Pagan beliefs while
Paganism is an even more general term.