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Alemannic Alliance
Austria - Germany - Liechtenstein - Switzerland
[Affil.]Miercinga Ríce
Formed March 2001, with 40 members as of 11/02. Asatru Organisation with a focus on the reconstruktion of the old alemannic faith!
Eldaring Österreich
Vienna, Austria/Österreich
[Affil.]The Troth
Formed 2002. We share a defining personal loyalty to the gods and goddesses of germanic Europe, such as Wuodan, Donar, Ziu, Frigga, Nertha and many others. We have a deep respect for our Germanic religious, cultural and historical heritage in Austria. Together, we seek to practice the moral principles including Courage, Truth, Honor, Loyalty, Discipline, Hospitality, Industriousness, Self-reliance, and Steadfastness. We follow the way of our alemannic, markomannic, lombard, bavarian and ostrogot forefathers.
Odinic Rite Österreich
[Affil.]Odinic Rite


Alheidense Beweging
Vosdellestraat 37
B-1560 Hoeilaart
(02) 657 51 50
Formed October 2000. ENGLISH - Our Goals: * To safeguard paganism from Satanism and political radicalism (including rightwing and left wing). * The recognition of paganism as a religion by the Belgian Government, and by other European countries. * To actively protect the environment and the rights of animals. For more information visit our website. NEDERLANDS: De Alheidense Beweging is een Vlaamse organisatie die werd opgericht in oktober 2000. Volgende doelstellingen staan centraal: De erkenning van het heidendom als religie door de Belgische Staat, en eventueel door andere Europese landen. Opkomen als heidenen voor de natuur en het dierenwelzijn. Het heidendom vrijwaren van het satanisme en politiek (inclusief rechts én -links). Het beleven van het heidendom. Onze methodiek bestaat onder andere uit: Het vieren van de seizoensfeesten, organiseren van uitstappen naar archeologische sites, werkvergaderingen, lezingen, enzovoorts... Het publiceren van het tijdschrift Heidens Vlaanderen, met daarin hoofdzakelijk artikels over restanten van het heidense geloof in volksgebruiken, historische monumenten, etc. Het samenstellen en publiceren van een bundel "Het heidendom onder vuur: satanisme en politiek". De oprichting van het Europees Instituut voor Polytheïsme. Het actief steunen van milieu- en dierenbeschermingorganisaties (voorlichting van het publiek en het ondernemen van of deelnemen aan geweldloze acties). Deelnemen aan openbare raadplegingen in verband met natuurbeheer, het samenstellen van dossiers in verband met het leefmilieu in de eigen streek. In de nabije toekomst wil de Alheidense Beweging overgaan tot de oprichting van een Europees Instituut voor Polytheïsme, en dit in samenspraak met andere heidense organisaties wereldwijd.
Werkgroep Hagal
Formed Yule 2004. Werkgroep Hagal is een Jong-Heidense Werkgroep, speciaal gericht naar jongeren die thuis horen en zich thuis voelen in de voorchristelijke waarden en normen! Strijden - Bouwen - Zingen!
Werkgroep Traditie v.z.w.
Kieldrecht, Belgium
Formed April 16, 1998. Legal action against government discrimination of paganism (in cooperation with Pagan Federation), education of paganism towards children in school, offering of information (as general as can be) on pagan themes, quarterly gatherings, quarterly review, rituals and living the religion, publishing brochures, selling pagan material and books.

Czech Republic

Heathen Hearts
Czech Republic

Czech Republic

Czech Republic, Prague and environs


Aarhus Blótlaug

Forn Siðr - The Asa & Vane Society in Denmark
Phone: +45 7022 1997
Giro: 1-667-3544

Harreskovens Blótgilde
PostBox 58
DK-2760 Måløv
+ 45 35 82 21 62


Solbjerg Blótlaug
43 44 12 35

Yggdrasil Blótlaug
21 82 00 78


Libre Assemblée Païenne Francophone
chez Morgane Lafey : La Magie des Légendes
195 La grand' Rue
30100 Alès
Formed Solstice d'été 2004, Members: 20 à la fondation (11/2004) Nous sommes des personnes de différentes localisations géographiques. Nous sommes aussi de différentes traditions païennes: Nordique, Wiccane, Celtique, Egyptienne, Hellénistique,... Nous sommes ouvert à d'autres traditions païennes tant que celles-ci respectent la charte païenne que nous avons établie.
Rite Odinique
Arnbald OR
Irmin, BP 21-46
51081 Reims Cedex, France
[Affil.]Odinic Rite


Lorraine, France - Bruxelles, Belgique

the elder
aix en provence france

Wise Asatruar
Paris, France


Artgemeinschaft e.V.
Postfach 55709
D-22567 Hamburg
[Affil.]Asatrú Alliance
Formed 1949 with 800 members as of 10/99. Best look at:
Der Eldaring - The Troth Germany
Eldaring e.V.
Postfach 1944
D-24018 Kiel
+49 - 1212-5-148-74-139
[Affil.]The Troth
Formed Yule 2001. German national Ásatrú organization affiliated with the Troth (US). We have members in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (and a few other countries). All true folk are welcome, regardless of race, colour, gender, sexual or political orientation! For more info, visit our website.
Der Urda-Clan
c/o Leif-Thorsten Kramps
Klippchen 8a
58093 Hagen-Holthausen, Germany

Deutschgläubige Gemeinschaft E.V.
Postfach 1340
D-26160 Bad Zwischenahn
Formed in 1911.
Germanische Glaubens-Gemeinschaft
D-14806 Werbig
Formed 1907. Die älteste heidnische Gemeinschaft, praktiziert traditionelles germanisches Heidentum.
Heidenkreis Hamburg e.V.
Postfach 630317
22313 Hamburg

Heidnische Gemeinschaft e.V.
Postfach 442
12114 Berlin

Odinic Rite Deutschland
Folkhere OR, c/o Volker G. Kunze
Heimbergweg 18
D-58642 Iserlohn, Germany
[Affil.]Odinic Rite

Arbeitskreis der Heiden in Deutschland e.V.
Postfach 1214
48348 Everswinkel, Germany

Willen & Offenbarung Der Asatru Nation
Formed April 2004. Diskussionsrunde fuer alle deutschsprachigen Heiden
wolves of the valknot
bergen ,belson, lower saxony
Formed October 2005. lone small group with link to hearth of the nine maidens.german based ulfhednar.members from britain mainly the yorkshire and derbyshire area of britain [soldiers].just starting off properly and wish to gain more members and links [anyone welcome] in germany and the uk.willing to help out whenever other groups and individuals[including heathen curious people].however members tend to move about alot.and are willing to travel for meetings with other web site at present but soon to be in process. any further info required feel free to talk
Yggdrasil Kreis e.V.
Postfach 900414
60444 Frankfurt7 Main

Abendgluten / Simon Brunner
Uhlandstrasse 23
78176 Blumberg in Baden
07702 / 1396
asatruar als einsiedler ? nein . suche anschluss in meiner region !
Marburg, Hessen, Germany
Looking for others asatru in Germany
Boelthorn Zahn
Hildebrandstraße 49
D-38112 Braunschweig
Looking for some heathens in and out of Germany. Please contact for further informations (best with mail/phone) My God is Thor, the strongest of all Gods.
Jaegersberg 1
24103 Kiel
Looking for pagan contacts in Northern Germany
Berlin, Federal Republik of Germany
Folkish (NOT racist or nazi) Asa-,Wanatru looking for like- or similar-minded from all over Midgard, including especially Berlin. I´m basicaly interested in every aspect of Germanic culture, mythology, history, archeology, name it. I worship Heimdall most. No propaganda please. Völkischer (NICHT rassistischer oder nazistischer) Asa-,Wanatru auf der Suche nach Gleich- oder Ähnlichgesinnten von ganz Midgard, einschliesslich im besonderen Berlin. Ich bin grundsätzlich interessiert an jedem Aspekt germanischer Kultur, Mythologie, Geschichte, Archeologie, Magie... nenne es selbst. Ich verehre am meisten Heimdall. Keine Propaganda bitte.
A dutchman, living in Grmany. Member of the german Eldaring Asatru community.
Hamburg, Germany
Asatru site from Northern Germany


Monti Chipley
95448 Bayreuth
Germany 09209/91067
I am trying to create a Missouri and Gremany link. As of lately I have seen a great bend In the religious ideas of the german people
Ragnarr Odinsson

Berlin, Germany
I´m looking for pagan (NON-racist) contacts or penpals from all over the planet, no propaganda, please --- Heidnische (NICHTrassistische) Kontakte von "überallher" gesucht, bitte keine Propaganda
Bayern - Southern Germany
Suche in Thors Namen Gleichgesinnte für Bogenschießen, Schwertkampf, Segeln und geistige Aktivitäten, keine Stubenhocker. Anfänger(innen) werden trainiert. Wo ein Wille ist, da ist ein Weg. Looking for partners in the name of Thor for archery, sword fight, sailing. Beginners will be trained. So do not be shy. No weirdos please.
Svenja "Freyja"
Hamburg, Germany
looking for contact to other odinists in Hamburg/North Germany


kaveiros lodge
p.o. box 28
alexandroupolis, 68100
Formed 01/01/09 with 1 member as of 1/2009. I want to find many people interested in Asatru!
Zion - Doukas Christos.'. - Frater S
p.o. box 28
alexandroupolis, 68100


The Icelandic Ásatrú Association
Grandagardur 8
101 Reykjavik, Iceland
(+354) 561 8633

Thordur Thorgrimsson


Dublin, Ireland
Heilsa! I'm finding it really difficult to find other Asatruer in Ireland so if your interested why not contact me or if you just want contact with an Irish/Norwegian Asatruer then that would be great to...:) All mailings welcome!
Mikael Fernstrom
Limerick, Ireland
Probably one of the few of the Asa faith in Ireland. I'm leaving my note on this web-site, if somebody of the Asa faith ever needs assistance, help or advice in Ireland.
Cork, Ireland
Not a full convert yet, but interested in learning more. Turned here after the failure of monotheism to have a positive influence on my life.
Westport, County Mayo, Ireland


Comunità Odinista
c/o Paolo Gauna
FP, I-14047 -Mombercelli (Asti) LANGBARD
Formed 1994.
L'Occhio di Odino
Valle d'Aosta, Italy
Formed 10/31/98, with 13 members as of 12/98. To diffuse our Faith and our Shamanism.
Loki's Sacred Ring
c/o Detti Furio
Pz.le Venezia, 8
56123 Pisa (ITALY)
Formed 20th March 2001 (Ostara Festival) with Founder and Godhi as members as of 3/2001. Our goal is to recover the sacred heritage of our fathers in the old honorable faith, to promote the cult of spiritual warship and aristocracy, to honour and worship the flaming primordial force of Fire-Loki, the cunning trickster and master of transformation of Aesir. We are also proud to enhance the enlightment of a pure and natural faith amongst the fogs of Judeo-Christianity, to offer a real alternative. Contact us, faith pagans in Tuscia! (Soon we'll have our Home-Page, a matter of days!)
The Circle of Jormungander
Volpi Enrico
Via N.Tommaseo, 21
57100 LIVORNO, Italy
Formed August 12, 1997 with 4 members as of 10/97. Our policies are simple: to enhance the worship of Jormungander, the Serpent of the World, to enhance his project of destruction, to combat bigotry and untolerance, to support Norse Faith in Hate, War, and Pride!


Åsatrufellesskapet Bifrost
Postboks 272
N-1326 Lysaker

Foreningen Forn Sed
Postboks 6511 Rodeløkka
0501 OSLO
+ 47 2274 4194
Formed August 15, 1998.
Norwegian Wolf Project
Buveien 9
8400 Sortland


Asatru Polska
Formed 11/11/2009 with 9 members as of 10/2010.
Ulfur Ættin
Formed 7/7/10 with 3 members as of 10/10.
Marek "Odrerir"

Wielkopolska (Poznañ, Kalisz), Polska
+48 502 515 753
Asatru worshipper, interested in runology and shamanism.


Anna Volchva
Veteranov 67, 2, 30
Petersburg 198255
(812) 524-55-48
Practising runic and others kinds of magic,will be glad to have contacts with collegues from differents countries. Have much to relate about the slaves runes. Especially interested in Heimdall. Hope to hear from you soon!Anna,Petersburg, Russia,
Anton Moiseev
103045, Russia, Moscow, Rozhdestvensky b-r 5/7-10
+7(095)208-4036 (h)

Russia, Moscow
Our religion? Asatru. Our interestings? Runes, magic, history. We want to creat Asatru organization in Russia.
Republic of Baskortostan, Ufa city
Asatru search all over the world. I interested in mythology, history, archeology, magic. I worship Odin.
Sergey Pomortzev
644099, Russia, Omsk,
Krasnoguardeyskaya street, 9a - 809

Tasha Lox
Moscow, Russia
I'm a pagan buddhist and I worship Loki.
Moscow, Russia


Mjollnir Kindred
Formed 12/1/2000 with 4 members as of 12/2000. We are first Asatru Kindred in our area.


Asatru Slovenia
Formed 2008 with 5 members as of 3/2008. Not a proper kindred yet, just a website and a forum to hopefully connect any Heathens or people interested in the Old Way, in Slovenia. The first website (first source at all) in Slovenian language.


Gotland Forn Sed - Hermandad del Anillo
Formed May 1998 with 13 members as of 5/05. We are the first Ásatrú-Forn Sed Kindred in Spain. We follow traditionalist and tribalist path(Not Folkish, Not Racialist or Not Racist). Our organisation is horizontal like libertarians and we foment free mind, democratic , tolerance, ecologism, social compromise and not hate points of view. We work to build a visigothic heathenism inspired in Gotlandic Bronze Age, migration and Swedish-Viking Heathenism, and to recover iberian pagan tradition and to interpret in Ásatrú Heathenry.
Hermandad Odinista del Atlántico
The Hermandad Odinista del Atlántico (Atlantic Odinist Brotherhood), is a brotherhodd of free men and women united under the whorship of Odin ante other viking deities.


c/o Karl Schultz
642 93 Flen

Asasamfundet Bifrostfolket
08-39 98 19
Formed 2/3/2002 with 30 members as of 9/04. We are Swedens Greatest Asatru organisation.
Forn Sed
Ca. 100 members as of 1/2004. We are a network of independant kindreds around Sweden.Instead of a formal board of directions we decide together when something pops up that need deciding.Other than that,each kindred decide what to do,or when or whatever that concerns them.All kindreds have regular blots,and all kindreds decide themselves what kind of focus they want.We also arrange an yearly meeting with all the groups,or visit each other.All of us is non-racist/non-folkish,and have no interest in getting in touch with those who are. Äring och fred!
Freyslunda Worldhouse
P.O. Box 8241
163 08
Spånga, Sweden

Fröjslunda Värdshus
Box 111
114 79 Stockholm

Nordiska Ringen
Frejgatan 13
114 79 Stockholm
Postgironr 1255475-4
Bankgironr 5562-5396

Regins Blotgrupp
Independent swedish asatru-group.Holds annual blots.Directed towards gods as well as vättar,alver,rån or other local spirits.Not interested in crappy racism/satanism,nor viking-romanticism.Instead follow our native traditions as it has been preserved in culture,written sources and folklore. Äring och fred.
Samfälligheten för Nordisk Sed
Box 6413
751 36 UPPSALA
018-26 26 50

Skåne Gäll
Bjärsjölagårdsvägen 6
275 95 Sjöbo

Sunna Godeord

Sveriges Asatrosamfund
Box 4202
102 65 Stockholm

Tör och Attunda gäll
Box 390 58
100 54 Stockholm

Wärmlands Gäll
Slättheden 5

Wiha-saiwiR Godeord
Småland, Sweden


Alemannische Sitte Schweiz
The Alemannische Sitte Schweiz wants to rediscover the ancient custom of our alemannic forebears. We practice a family orientated, traditional form of Asatru with a local touch. The Alemannische Sitte Schweiz supports our democratic and federalistic order. We'd like to encourage all swiss or alemannic heathens to contact us. Blessed be!

The Netherlands

Germaans Broederschap
Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Nederland
Formed December 1999. Het Germaans Broederschap is er om gelijkgestemde gedachten te verzamelen en over de toekomst van de Germaanse normen en waarden te discussieren en te verkondigen.
Het Rad
Postbus 431
3300 AK Dordrecht

Kalmar Sibbe
Hoorn,west-friesland,The Netherlands
Formed 14-8-2000. goals;to bring Asatru/Wodanism back in The Netherlands again,in a healthy,strong and effective way. To give the people in the lowlands a chance to honor our gods,and learn about our heritage. To build a Hof/Harug.To answer questions of people who are interested in our troth.
Nederlands Heidendom
Formed Zomerzonnewende 2000. Nederlands Heidendom is een samenwerkingsverband van mensen die zich verbonden voelen met de voorchristelijke Germaanse cultuur en levensbeschouwing in onze streken. Met deze pagina willen we informatie over het heidendom verzamelen en beschikbaar maken voor geïnteresseerden die hun kennis willen uitbreiden. We richten ons voornamelijk op de goden, heilige plaatsen en tradities.


Byxlea Heath Hearth
[Affil.]Midgard's Web
Formed September 2000, with 5 members as of 2/03. The Byxlea Heath Hearth performs offerings to the norse gods and goddesses in the form of blots, carried out in an open air horgr.
Hearth of Frey
07764 253846
[Affil.]Odinic Rite
Formed May 2001 with 6 members as of 6/2001. We are a recenbtly formed Apprentice Hearth of the Odinic Rite. Our Hearth covers the whole of Yorkshire. Any Odinists/Asatrur looking for a Hearth in the area or advice are welcome to meet us.
Hearth of Nine Maidens
Doncaster, South Yorkshire
Cameron 07764 768091
Jane 0774 979 3127
Formed September 2003 with 4 members as of 11/03. Waes Hael, The Hearth of Frey, established for 2 years in York has changed its name to the Hearth of Bear and Raven. We are now setting up a sister Hearth in South Yorkshire called Hearth of Nine Maidens, named after the stone circle near Arbor Low. We are Norse Heathens who meet regularly for Blots (rituals) and moots.
Kindred of the Wolven Spear
My kindred are looking for more keen members across Scotland so just e-mail me and i will be willing to teach We are based in Bo'Ness and livingston from 1 week to the next so e-mail first
Greenford, Middlesex
Formed January 2006 with 19 members as of 3/2006. A newly formed independant uk based networking forum. We hopefully will grow to encompass many individuals, hearths, groups and kindreds, all working together yet keeping their own individuality. We are not here to tell anyone how to blot, or any other aspect of Heathen belief. To share knowledge, experience, friendship, to learn and grow as a larger community. offline as well as online, current plans include moots.
Hatfield, South Yorkshire, England
Heathen female and member of the Wolfoak Hearth and Administrator and creator of the social network group called Heathens/Pagans Unite, come and join us, more Heathens needed
Midgard's Web
Formed 1997 with approx. 150 members as of 7/02. A point of contact for folk interested in Heathenry. Primarily internet-based and UK based. Gender, sexuality, race or age are NOT grounds for exclusion. We publish a quarterly newsletter and membership Tally. NB. This is an update on previously submitted details.
Odinic Rite
BCM Runic
London, WC1N 3XX

BCM Tercel
London, WC1N 3XX

Ring of Troth Europe
BM Aswynn
London WC1N 3XX

Stourdale Asatru Hof
PO Box 1589
DY11 6WT

The Acre Hearth
Norfolk, England
Formed 2000 with 3 members as of 11/03. a heathen kin based hearth.formed to re-establish the pursuit of the troth by true folk along the nar beck for perhaps the first time in 1000 years. we aim to gain both the acceptance of our community for our beliefs,and official state recognition for our heathen religion both locally and nationally.
The Hearth of Grim UK
Lincolnshire and Yorkshire
Formed Nov 15, 2005. This group has no affiliations to any large asatruar/heathen organizations and is based in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire UK. It is aimed at younger members from around 19-35. It is dedicated to the Gods of the Norse and Germanic equivalents and would be pleased to hear from you if you are from a similar local area or struggling to find a group.
The Kith of Yggdrasil
29 Desmond House, 6 Cat Hill
East Barnet, Herts
Formed 2002. The Kith of Yggdrasil concentrates on the spiritual approach to the mysteries of Odinism, and its work is of relevance to all followers of the Aesir, Vanir and The Northern Tradition. It has members in many parts of The British Isles and abroad, together with special interest groups, hearths, and meetings for both spiritual and social purposes. The Kith publishes both a monthly newsletter, and a quarterly journal for the benefit of it’s members. It welcomes all with a genuine interest in our faith, regardless of race or gender: so why not visit the website at: or write to The Kith of Yggdrasil, 29 Desmond House, 6 Cat Hill, East Barnet, Herts, EN4 8JA for an information pack.
c/o Thorskegga Thorn
High Wycombe
Bucks HP11 2PL
Formed December 1996 with 12 members as of 11/97. Research organisation for Teutonic paganism. Produces the Cult of Thor journal 'Thunder'.
Tribe of Mercia
PO Box 1085
Wolverhampton WV10 8YW
United Kingdom
Formed 1992. The Tribe of Mercia are local West Midland based educational Northern Tradition Heathen cooperative, and our aims are: To promote the Asatru and Vanatru faith and philosophies To promote our Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Nordic heritage and folklore To promote and practice the worship of the Aesir and Vanic deities Membership is £3.00/yr and open to all living in Mercia, as we wish to keep things at a local level. We are nonpolitical and nonsectarian in our affairs. We are affiliated to the Svartland Kindred, and maintain contact with Odinshof, Odinic Rite ,Traditie Workgroup, and participate in the Heathen Forum.
UKHeathenry email list
c/o J Blain, 1A Station Road
Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S32 1DD
07976 170812
Formed 2000 with approx 100 members as of 4/02. networking and discussion list for Heathens in UK
Urd's Well Kindred
Formed 2002 with 6 members as of 11/2006. Active Heathen group with members mainly in and around the Black Country. We meet regularly for blot, festivals, study groups and community building.
Wolfoak Hearth
Yorkshire and East Midlands
The WolfOak hearth is a Heathen group based in the North and East Midlands. Our members follow Norse and Anglo Saxon Heathenism as well as other nature based paths. As a group we are guided by the Nine Noble Virtues. We attend 8 Blots a year mainly in our local areas, we also have social gatherings very regularly, camping, walking and visiting sacred and historical sites. We also have a link to the Wolves of the Valknot
Aedmund Thunarsson
Cleethorpes, N.E.Lincs
Would like to hear from other Asatruar/Odinists in Yorkshire or Lincolnshire
Looking to contact Heathens in the Yorkshire area of England.
Alexander Richardson
Manchester/NW England
Lone Asatru devotee seeking contact with a local kindred - Manchester/NW England.
Egham, Surrey
I'm looking for anyone interested in paganism in the Berkshire/Surrey area. I'm new to it all and need like-minded friends to expand my knowledge and enjoy life with. I'd prefer if you were a 'general' pagan rather than a follower of a particular path (I like to keep an open mind!) but I really don't mind that much. Blessings!
Snipers, S-coy, 4th battalion Rifles,
kiwi barracks, Bulford, Salisbury
Wilts, UK
07754 668982
Hail all. Basically i was looking for answers and my own roots. The old ways and lore were found and it has given me so much in this last year. i am coming to the end of my second tour of iraq (you might know us as 'the last to leave Basra Palace') and i with many soldiers around me finding faith because of the regular amounts of death and injury i found only strength. i accepted that if the allfather wanted me in valhalla then it is my fate. im looking for anyone to talk to really? im pretty normal regarding movies, books, video games ect. i do tattoos for a hobby and some around me even now bear the runes that i have done for them. i woulds love to practice and be part of a blot or symbel but i am but a simple warrior and needs to be shown. Strength and health to you and yours Ben
bill brown
Swindon, Wiltshire
New to Asatru but a Mjollnir wearer for 20 years, looking for a hearth in the South West of England / email correspondence from like-minded and similar. Of Northumbrian extraction (A son of King Oswald!).
Cat, 'Elswyth'
Chorley, Lancashire
I'm a 25 year old Heathen lass with a passion for hiking, languages, body piercing and music. Interested in finding other Heathens in the Chorley area for socialising and discussion.
4upton cresent
basingstoke hampshire england
rg21 5sn
heathen searching for info on groups events meeting will be moving about over the next year so location is not to important yet but may help me decide whitch way to go
Dale Elsson
Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK
New to Asatru, only a year now. Looking to share ideas
Daniel David Dunlop
Looking for members of Viking god religion for learning. I am a new member of the Odinic Rite but wish to learn of Odin and other gods. Recently sensed a supernatural wolf with me and sudden interest with pebbles. Like to contact Scandavavien people or British for knowledge and friendship in the same religious cause
South Manchester, north west England
Heathen,with background in chaos magick(t.o.p.y.).Follower of the vanic deities and the great god thor.looking for contact with vanic witches,vanatru etc .Looking for kindred in the manchester area to meet ,discuss and work with..
E. Fairless
13 kirby close
radford, Coventry
cv1 4nl

2, elm park terrace
shotley bridge
co durham DH8 0NA
I am a 27 year old from county durham who since playing football in akureyri, northern iceland 9 years ago have been a lonely asatruer. I am hoping to meet fellow asatruers in the north east of england with the hope of forming a hearth.
West Sussex, UK
Petite 34 yr old solitary Heathen female looking for contact with like minded.

Grant Carpenter
Birmingham, West Midlands
I am an American Ásatrú adherent who moved to the UK over a year ago. I am looking to start a hearth in the West Midlands area, or join an existing one. I apologise about the out of date Newcastle address. I will soon have that address removed. However, if you are in the Tyneside area and wish to form a hearth, I will gladly put you in touch with others who have responded to my ad and wish to form a hearth.
London Rd, Kettering, Northants
Asatru in Kettering, progressive, folkish, sociable and interested in developing a Hearth.
Southampton, England
Interested in setting up a Southampton based Kindred
John Chapman (Kalanac)
Tunstall, Stoke-ON-Trent, Staffordshire
Solitary Heathen looking for other local individuals or hearths.
York England
New to Asatru.
Durham, UK
Would like to find other asatruar/heathens in the Durham area.
22 Hemlock Avenue
Huntington, York YO31 9DG
Looking for pagans in my area for discussion and guidance.
Marcus Luis Abrahams
D3.3 Beck house, Sketty Road
Uplands, Swansea, Wales
I have just moved to Swansea to study and I am looking for like minded individuals of the Northern path. Anybody out there in the borderlands?
Matthew Bell
Member of Odinic Rite not a member of any hearth or kindred.
Nathan Browne
Southampton, Hampshire, UK

Neal Grout
4 Brocket Way
Essex IG7 4EP UK
07790 714261
I am an Asatruar Heathen and I am not part of a Kindred
Njal Alansson
Sydnam, Christchurch, Canterbury
Looking for other Asatru in Canterbury
Peter Siegel
Croydon, Surry
Traditional Asatruar from America that now lives in England looking for orther Asatruar or Kindreds to raise a horn with and expand knowledge. Strong background in the lore and begining as a warder for Seidth.
Chester - England
New to Asatru, looking for others in my area interested in learning more about Asatru...
Raven Wolf
Flat 12A Chester House
Gallfield Court
Northampton NN3 9XE
07905 245884
I've been following the Asatru path for about a year now and would like to meet other Asatruar
Rig Svenson
I am a lecturer, writer and practitioner of runes in the "Old Ways". My website is designed for the solo rune vitki or Wolwa. I also run a yahoo groups called Heimdallgarth which is for all those interested discussing ways of honouring the Norse god Heimdall or any related subject such as runes.Check the link section in my website for details. My first paperback rune book is out on 15th January 2004.
Rob "Blodtjuv" Engvikson
Telford, Shropshire, England
I am in a Viking Metal band (Not Nazi) called "Asatru". I write songs about the Vikings who are ancestors to a lot of English people, and about their way of life. Hence my huge interest in Asatru. Always glad to hear from other Asatruars. And always wanting to learn more about Asatru and the Vikings.
Reading, Berkshire
Having had a life-long interest in Norse/Germanic "mythology", I would now like to look into practising it. I am a newbie, but if anyone in my area can help in any way, I would really appreciate it.
Central London
O171 424 6404
i am a 21 year old student/author heathen for 7 years v interested in any contacts, especial concern in heathen union and increasing activity and popularization of the troth
52 Island View
Hey there, young guy following the Ásatru faith all on his own in Ayrshire looking for other followers for discussions, companionship and perhaps the formation of a kindred if their isn't one known already
Mansfield College, Oxford
Well, I'mat university up here, but I'm natively from Devon and spend half my year there. I could, perhaps, be descirbed as taking a modern intelectual approach. In fact, you might almostsay I'm the face of progressive western heathenism, if you liked hyperbole. Hmm.
Greeting! Seeking pen pals from Iceland with interest in Asatru and ancient gods of the north such as Balder Odin etc. Norway and Scotish Hebrides is ok. Any age is ok. I am male and live in liverpool England. The High Gods be with you.
Devon, UK

warrington, lancashire

Stifyn ap Cledwyn
Llanfairfechan, North Wales
Henffych well Asatruar! I have been a follower of Asatru for over a year now, and it's revolutionalised my way of living. However, there are no local hearths for me to join, so for now, would love to contact and be in contact with fellow Asatruar. Diolch yn fawr, thank you! Hail the high Gods!
Thorkeld Skallagrimson
Castle Douglas
Dumfries and Galloway
Scotland, United Kingdom
07766 920428
35 year old male, Rune worker, bow and musical instrument maker. Been a Norse follower for over 15 years. Looking to set up a Hearth of likeminded Odinists/Northern Tradition/Saxon Followers in the area.
Warwick Holby
Brentwood, Essex
Brentwood based universalist heathen looking for other local heathens/germanic influenced pagans to socialise with and possibly form a local hearth.
Saxon folk heathenry


alexander solowhoff von greutungen
my ancestor is ermanaric king of goths from amelung dynasty, whose ancestor in turn is gapt. gapt is corrupted gaut. gaut is by-name of odhinn. so odhinn is my direct ancestor?

Irminsul Ættir Last updated in October 2010.