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National and International Organizations

Irminsul Ættir
P.O. Box 43
Renton, WA 98057
(425) 228-0986

Asatrú Alliance
P.O. Box 961
Payson, AZ 85547

American Vinland Association
San Francisco, CA

Odinic Rite
BCM Runic
London, WC1N 3XX

Ring of Troth Europe
BM Aswynn
London WC1N 3XX

The Troth
c/o Diana L. Paxson
P.O. Box 472
Berkeley, CA 94702-0472
Membership in the Troth is open to men and women who profess and practice the pre-Christian religion of the Germanic peoples, and who are affiliating with the Troth for religious and cultural reasons, rather than racial or political reasons.
Confederation of Independent Asatru Kindreds
Adamsville, AL
Formed June 1998 with 55 members as of 7/2000. We are an organization striving to give the indivdual Asatru Kindred a place to find kin. We offer a clergy program and our friendship to all who seek the Northern Gods with Honor.
Frigga's Web Association
Trimble, MO

Midgard's Web
Formed 1997 with approx. 150 members as of 7/02. A point of contact for folk interested in Heathenry. Primarily internet-based and UK based. Gender, sexuality, race or age are NOT grounds for exclusion. We publish a quarterly newsletter and membership Tally. NB. This is an update on previously submitted details.
Miercinga Ríce
Little Elm, TX
Formed November 20, 2004 with 40 members as of 5/05. The Miercinga Ríce came as an outgrowth of the Angelseaxisce Ealdriht, and is considered a continuance of that organization. It is a group dedicated to the study, revival, and practice of the pre-Christian religion of the Angles of the kingdom of Mercia (one of the seven kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy),and Anglo-Saxon Heathenry in general. The Angles were among the Germanic tribes which migrated from Continental Europe to Great Britain in the fourth and fifth centuries. Their religion was related to that of the Scandinavians of the Viking Age as well as that of other ancient Germanic peoples.
National Prison Kindred Alliance
P.O. Box 702
Lebanon, OR 97355
Formed 2001 NWAM see policies and goals of NWAM. NPKA is a division of NWAM. Our goals are to promote the free practice of Asatru in the prison system. We advocate for incarcerated Asatruars ;besides performing religious services,counseling and classes in both OR and WA.
Northern Way Asatru Ministries
P.O. Box 702
Lebanon, OR 97355
Formed 2001. We are a non profit religious organization in the state of OR. We have a prison outreach, magazine,associated kindreds,and clergy program . We believe in tolerance and that every man or woman should be judged by their words and actions and not any other criteria. We accept all who are called to by our deities and refuse to second guess our Gods as to who they call to their banners.
Rune Gild
P.O. Box 7622
Austin, TX 78713
Formed 1979. The Rune-Gild is a school of esoteric knowledge based on the Odian system of the Runes. The Gild is a world-wide organization with Halls in North America, England and Australia. The graded curriculum of the Gild is given in the Nine Doors of Midgard book.
Skergard International HQ
1003 Cottonwood Ave. #53
Red Wing, MN 55066-1300
(888) 543-7578

Irminsul Ættir Last updated in June 2010.